BF2S Wiki stats,

Table of Contents


Statistics, the most loathed course of advanced mathematics by students, has found its way to gamers, and they are loving it. For once the stats are not going to make your head explode with chi-square or ANOVA, but are actually used for the fun stuff. Never thought I was going to say this but: “learn to love the graph”.

DICE/EA made a brilliant move to incorporate a RPG feature into a FPS game. The stats allow you to rise in rank and expand your available set of weapons. It gives you an idea about your progress for all the different features of the game, and allows you to compare with other players.

Finally, to keep everybody addicted to the game all these stats allow you to obtain nice and shiny awards. Mmmm shiny... But they all have their requirements which range from easy to wicked hard to obtain. Dhow!


All your coming and going on the ranked servers are recorded and presented on BF2s, here you will find a more in depth explanation of the used terminology.

The Scoring System

This is a rundown of the points you will be awarded during ranked online play and/or single player with unmodified points files.