BF2S Wiki classes:battlefield-2:engineer,

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Engineer As an engineer you will be repairing vehicles and other objects when they become damaged with your handy wrench.

You will also be using anti-tank (AT) mines to block off choke points and roads to vehicles. Remember, these can be shot out, or you can prematurely detonate them with a grenade. (Hint: Use them like C4 on infantry maps…)

You are equipped with a shotgun for personal defense. The shotgun isn't accurate so it shouldn't be used in an offensive role, but as a close-quarters personal defensive weapon. You are also loaded out with a the standard pistol, knife, and hand grenades.


  • Sprint: Long
  • Armor: None




'So what is my purpose in life?', you might ask yourself. An engineer never does that, he always knows what gives and is happy with his few tasks in life.

Primary goals:

• Repairing Commander Assets. • Repairing Friendly Vehicles. • Tank/APC Busting.


Repairing the commander's assets is a crucial task, it's much more important for the team that the commander can function to the best of his abilities, u`re almost certain to loose a battle if the asets are scrapmetal for a long amount of time.

So let your commander know you exist, be a squadleader so it's easier for him to give you repair orders. This can often give you easy repair points with a dedicated special forces soldier on the opposing team.

Repairing friendly vehicles is often the best way to obtain a crucial lead on the opposing team. Driving a tank and an APC in twin-formation gives you a deadly weapon that is hard to beat even for a skilled armor whore, especially if both the tank and APC contain an engineer. Repairing each other is a priceless method.

Driving a jeep or another vehicle close to any other vehicle is also a good method for easy repair points and you are much more flexible to rush away for repairing an asset or different vehicles when spread out over the map. This last tactic could have given me the expert repair badge more than once if I had the nessesary 100 hours.

On a map like ghost town or similar the engineer is a vital player when the bridges gets blown and they often do. Repair them with the wrench or better yet, just drive close to the damaged part of the bridge and it will be back in shape very quickly.

When repairing your own tank/APC, preferably you should find a sheltered spot to do so and be aware of enemies stealing your vehicle, popping smoke before you disembark gives you the neccesary extra seconds before the enemy knows what's up.

AT Mines

Tankbusting: You have five AT mines that you can deliver much grief with at any given time. Beware that you only have those five until supplies come or you respawn. If none of your mines have detonated when you die, the old ones are still active for some time so don't rush to put down more.

There are two ways to put your mines to good use; blocking the frequently used passageways or mining a nearby vehicle.

1a. When mining frequently used passageways or narrow entrances it's good to put them down in dark spots (shadows) or around a corner. Take into consideration what kind of vehicles will take the turn; a slow tank will take a sharper turn than a jeep that does 60 mph.

1b. Mining a Bridge – Often an armor driver is himself an engineer and he knows what to look for. Place mines in the middle of the bridge is a waste, as they are easily spotted and removed. Instead, lay the mines at the end of bridge, there's a blindspot not easily detected. Just on top of a slope is also good and hard to spot.

2. When setting a trap on a stationary vehicle, it's important to mine the opposing vehicle correctly. Don’t put the mine directly in front of or behind the tracks/wheels – deliver the mine on the midsection of the vehicle and it will drop through and land directly under, one move and the vehicle is destroyed.

On Foot

When facing infantry on foot the shottie is a fabulous weapon. The automatic fire of the Pancor Jackhammer empties the full load into any nearby enemy and can take down two to three people in one magazine if close enough. The pump shotguns are even more powerful, sacrificing the firing rate for improved accuracy and sheer power.


This is by far the most useful kit to play with as commander, as you have the ability to repair your own assets without taking fighting personel out of action. It's often the best solution over dropping supply crates if your base is infected with special forces soldiers. Dropping supply crates repairs your assets but is also a gift from heaven for an enemy infiltrator to refill his stock of C4, and ultimately lose even more of your assets.


An engineer teaming up with a support player is a very good combination. Having a friend riding with you in a jeep, driving by friendlies to repair and supply them, is appreciated by your team. Same goes, of course, with the medic or a combination of both medic and support.


The obvious is, of course: You can't kill with the wrench. Playing engineer works best in close quarter combat, as he doesn't have the neccesary firepower for longer ranged duels against the assault, anti-tank or support classes.